Getting set up
Establish a baseline
Add a web app manifest
Provide a basic offline experience
Provide a full offline experience
Add install experience
2. Getting set up
Duration: 2:00
Get a key for the Dark Sky API
Our weather data comes from the Dark Sky API. In order to use it, you’ll need to request an API key. It’s easy to use, and free for non-commercial projects.
Verify your API key is working properly
To test that your API Key is working properly, make an HTTP request to the DarkSky API. Update the URL below to replace DARKSKY_API_KEY with your API key. If everything works, you should see the latest weather forecast for New York City.,-73.9732319
Get the code
We’ve put everything you need for this project into a Git repo. To get started, you’ll need to grab the code and open it in your favorite dev environment. For this codelab, we recommend using Glitch.
Strongly Recommended: Use Glitch to import the repo
Using Glitch is the recommended method for working through this codelab.
Alternative: Download code & work locally
If you want to download the code and work locally, you’ll need to have a recent version of Node, and code editor setup and ready to go.